Our Courses

All courses are bespoke, tailored to suit the client’s needs. The following gives you an idea of the kinds of training workshops we can offer as a starting point.

The training sessions can be delivered flexibly and in a way that best suits your organisation. Some clients opt for a series of half-day events over several weeks; others prefer a stand alone whole-day event. For a deeper intervention we can offer a series of whole days delivered over a period of months.

Please contact us for further information, or if you have any questions or thoughts. We’d be only too delighted to hear from you.

Approaching Difficult Conversations

Everyone knows that difficult conversations are usually the most important ones. This workshop explores some of the core skills we need to manage difficult conversations in the workplace (with our managers, with our peers or our supervisees).

We will cover key concepts for managing heightened emotions (ourselves and others) and will introduce some practical tools for participants to use and take forward in their work.

The day will include performances from trained actors and the chance to work with a forum theatre model. Participants can then work with the actors to explore and develop their own skills in responding to difficult conversations which they might be navigating in their own lives.

Effective Feedback

One of the most important tasks a manager has is to deliver feedback to colleagues, and if delivered in the right way by a skilled supervisor, feedback can be transformative.

However, in less skilled hands, poorly-delivered feedback can not only be unhelpful, but actually damaging to confidence, performance, and relationships.

This workshop identifies the approaches universally regarded as most helpful and empowering, and allows participants the chance to frame both positive and negative feedback effectively in practice settings.

Team Building

Shared positive experiences away from the workplace can have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of a team’s communication and productivity.

This workshop introduces drama games and exercises to enhance communication and enable creativity and positive peer interactions.

No previous experience of drama or acting is necessary, as the day will be suitable for all levels of confidence, aiming for enjoyment and laughter and greater sense of connection between team members.

Acting Skills for Everyday Life

Successful performance in the workplace involves a toolkit of skills to bring to the various roles we may be called upon to play.

The course specifically aims to develop confidence in public speaking, optimise presentation skills, communication skills, and engaging mind and body together for the workplace and beyond.

Here we will look at the vocal and physical techniques practised by professional actors to release the voice and optimise body language, vital for building respect and influence.

Self-Care and Creative Approaches to Wellbeing

In some instances the challenges we face in the workplace may feel overwhelming, whether due to major organisational change, interpersonal pressures, or a heavy workload that gives teams a sense of burnout.

This workshop aims to provide a welcome safe space to allow some respite and recuperation, working with breath and deep relaxation to provide emotional perspective.

The course will then introduce creative expression and storytelling techniques to support and nurture positive connections in a group, and reinvigorate a team.